I'm preparing to register for my final semester of seminary.
To date, I have earned 64 credits and am working on earning another 15 to grant me 79 credits. I need 96 for my degree.
My cumulative GPA at the end of last Spring was a 3.65, no grades from this semester have come in yet.
My final semester includes:
--A two week trip to India in January! I'll be studying conflict transformation in South India. Our first session together is this Thursday morning!
--Introduction to Preaching - An introduction to the theology and practice of preaching
within the context of Christian ministry and worship. Students
develop skills necessary for preparation, composition, delivery, and
critique of sermons. Required of all M.Div. students in the Pastoral
Ministry track.
--Constructive Theology - This course introduces students to the major themes of Christian
theology with the aim of providing them with a framework for
effective and faithful theological reflection. Beginning with
revelation and ending with eschatology, we follow a familiar
progression in the study of systematic theology, examining modern and
postmodern theological perspectives on God, creation, human nature,
sin, Christology, ecclesiology and other doctrinal loci. The
methodological approach is constructive, in that emphasis is placed on helping students integrate central issues of faith in response to contemporary issues.
--CPE continuing to work with residents exhibiting dementia symptoms related to Alzheimer's and other cognitive diseases.
--Seminary Singers (for credit, Singers is something I've always done as extracurricular). The Seminary Singers rehearse on Tuesday evenings and sing during our Wednesday Chapel service. In May we're singing at the United Methodist General Conference!
I want to know what happened with the last 2+ years. It was a blur. I want it back!
I can't believe it's all coming to a close.
May 14, 2016.